Founded in October 1991, the AEP functions as an umbrella organization for its members and provides a united front before the Albanian government and international agencies. While each member of the AEP remains autonomous in its individual ministry, AEP acts as a networking model and a forum for information exchange. By working together, member organizations enjoy increased effectiveness and avoid duplication of efforts. While encouraging diversity, AEP promotes unity by facilitating mutual respect and cooperation.

AEP has an Executive Committee and a Board to give overall direction, and an Administrator who is responsible for the daily operation of the office. The AEP is supported through membership fees and the generous donations of supporters. The AEP is a non-profit Foundation registered in the Albanian court (Tirana) on 20/3/95. Decision Nr 88 supported by Law nr 8788 of 7/05/01 for “Non-Profit Organizations.”

Who we are:

The AEP community consists of over 300 individuals serving with 65 different Evangelical mission organizations from 20 different nations all with one desire; to see the Kingdom of God increase in Albania.  At the AEP, we seek to provide a forum for mutual encouragement, exchange of ideas and discussion of issues of common concern.

How We Got Started:

The AEP was started in 1991 by the first missionaries in Albania. There were about 50 different missionaries who arrived following the fall of the communist government. These missionaries prayed and strategized together about spreading the gospel throughout Albania. They felt it was important for each to work independently, yet in coordinated harmony. Thus the AEP was birthed as an organization of mutual encouragement. 


Becoming a new member organization to the AEP is a 4 step process.

  1. Complete the attached Request for Membership Form and email it to the AEP.
  2. Once we receive the request, we will send you our Statutes and by-laws, along with a registration form to be completed and returned.
  3. Once we receive your registration form the AEP Executive Directors will set up an interview with the representatives of your organization.
  4. Once your membership has been approved, you will need to register the individuals who will be representing your organization; membership forms will be provided for each individual in Albania.

What We Offer Our Members:

As One Body with many parts each doing its part, the AEP seeks to continue in this spirit of cooperation and mutual encouragement. We recognize that there are logistical requirements for serving in Albania and we want to simplify this for our members by providing the following services:

  1. Networking and encouragement through forum – and email groups
  2. Organizational Mailboxes
  3. Residency Permit assistance (Leje Qendrimi)
  4. AEP post/packages service
  5. Annual conference (which includes our annual board meeting)
  6. Cellphone contracts with preferential services
  7. Member Care
  8. Legal help

 Please note:  We do not offer membership to individuals who are not part of a registered organization in Albania or in their own countries.  

Contact us now:

Mission and Vision Statement

Mission Statement:       

“The mission of the AEP is to biblically impact the lives of Albanians by helping to provide vision, resources and services to the mission community.”

Vision Statement:           

The AEP is an organization composed of and representing various Evangelical mission organizations working in furthering the values and dynamics of the Gospel in the lives and society of the people of Albania.  AEP members play a vital role in planting churches, strengthening existing churches, developing Albanian leadership, promoting economic and community development and providing humanitarian aid.  AEP members seek to be a catalyst in the Albanian Evangelical community’s transformation of Albanian society into a model of God’s principles for mankind.  AEP aims to actively support the Evangelical Alliance of Albania (VUSh) in its role as the primary national representative of the Albanian Evangelical community in all its facets.

Strategic Resources and Services:

1)      The AEP will encourage unity, cooperation and mutual support among members and the Albanian Evangelical community. 

2)      The AEP should serve as an information sharing facility for members of the missionary community by identifying needs and opportunities within the country. 

3)      The AEP should be a forum for learning through the exchange of ideas and the sharing of experiences. 

4)      The mission and vision of the AEP for the development of the Evangelical community will require resources from outside the country for the foreseeable future.  Consequently, the AEP will be involved in helping communicate to the world the need for continued resources for the work. 

5)      The AEP will act as a representative and advocate for the missionary community in matters of governmental nature that affect missionaries living and working in Albania.

6)      While the need for the AEP to furnish central office services to the missionary community is decreasing, the AEP will seek to provide those services that are still needed by any significant portion of the community. 

7)      The AEP should work closely and cooperatively with the Evangelical Alliance of Albania (VUSh).  It should encourage its member organizations to support the raising up of dynamic and effective Albanian leadership for the Evangelical church.  As the Albanian Evangelical church grows and strengthens, the need for the AEP as a separate organization will be reduced.